Clean water for 95 families

Community water development project

Poverty at Siphocosini is directly linked to the lack of clean water. The new water system that is financed by sahee gives access to clean drinking water for 95 families. Diseases linked to polluted water will be drastically reduced. At the same time improved access to water allows for a limited production of healthy food in backyard gardens and some communal gardens. After the completion of the water system by late 2007 the community will be trained in the management of the system. Sahee’s partner organization will also train groups of residents in forming saving- and credit-clubs, will be assisting people to build latrines and teach about infection with diseases.

Project site

Siphocosini (Map)


95 families, counting 850 people who llive south of the capital Mbabane in a rural setting

Project costs and assistance by sahee

The entire project costs are CHF 57’000.–. The project is fully financed by sahee.

CHF 57'000 for three years. Project visits and follow up with the director as well as the programme leaders of the project.

Duration of assistance

1st of February 2007 to 31st of January 2009

Local counterpart

Lutheran Development Services

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Project overview