Vitamins in front of the doorstep

Community food security initiative

Families are moving into cities, hoping for work. For most job seekers wage labour remains a dream and for many a return to the countryside is not possible anymore. Many of these families struggle hard to get at least a little food but few succeed. A project, developed by the local organization Moya trust improves the nutritional situation for many families.
Anyone who wants to independently produce some food and has access to a small piece of land is invited to join the project. Participants learn how they can build a small garden and improve the fertility of the soil with simple measures and without using bought inputs. Participants take part in courses, attend seminars and go back to their shacks and plots to implement the learned skills. All participants are visited by Moya staff at their homes in order to discuss specific problems regarding food production. The project wants to give very poor people the knowledge and skills to grow most of the food they need, especially to grow food that covers the needs for vitamins.

Project site

Middle Veld (Map)


30 households with more than 200 persons

Project costs and assistance by sahee

The entire project costs are CHF 24’200.–. The project is fully financed by sahee.

CHF 24.200; direct contact with director and all staff, visits at homesteads and at schools, exchange of ideas and concepts of organic agriculture with staff.

Duration of assistance

1st of January 2008 to 31st of December 2009

Local counterpart

Moya Centre



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Project overview

Education in organic gardening in Moya's training centre


Visits with consulting at each participant's homestead


Most participants live in simple huts