Permaculture - a way of creating resilience in times of multiple crisis
Guba is permaculture
Guba is one of sahee's oldest partners and has a respectively long project history (see Resilient Peasants, Sustainable, low cost agriculture - a positive trend!, and Permaculture +). Guba has continued to evolve over the past decade, expanding infrastructure and garden, building a strong team, expanding their services, and gaining visibility. In recognition of this achievement, Guba won the 2019 Lush Spring Prize for social and environmental regeneration (
Guba's main goal in this phase of the project continues to be to provide permaculture learning opportunities in Lobamba Lomdzala and Ntondozi tinkhundlas to equip the population with the skills and knowledge they need to cope in an increasingly adverse environmental and socio-economic environment. Guba offers four main programs for this purpose:
1) The Permaculture Education Program aims to create resilient communities that produce nutrient-rich food and generate income from permaculture systems that simultaneously regenerate the ecological and social systems that support the human community. To reach the widest possible target audience, Guba offers longer and shorter training modules as well as internships for youth.
2) Guba offers a market-oriented continuing education course that will enable graduates to become part of the Guba production value chain. Graduates can then produce permaculture fresh produce for Guba, which is marketed through Guba and earns them income.
3) Guba's advocacy program aims to communicate permaculture to a broad socio-economic audience as an appropriate way of life to address the current environmental, political and economic crises in eSwatini.
4) Guba's environmental education program aims to increase understanding of human ecology (the interdependence between human society and the natural world) and the current global ecological crisis in order to rethink personal choices, behaviors, and lifestyles.
Project site
Malkerns, Lobamba Lomdzala and Ntondozi (Map)
Women: 716 direct, 1735 indirect beneficiaries
Men: 689 direct, 1720 indirect beneficiaries
Children under age 16: 1305 direct, 120 indirect beneficiaries
Project costs and assistance by sahee
The entire project costs are CHF 360’000.–, whereas sahee takes over CHF 90’000.–.
sahee is in regular contact with the project leaders, reviews the activities and visits the project once a year on site.
Duration of assistance
1st of July 2021 to 30th of April 2024
Local counterpart
Project site
generate PDF of project
Project overview

Guba's permaculture garden is growing year by year

An indigenous tree forest is growing here

This wetland is part of Guba's land since 2020 and is used and maintained through the environmental education program

Every two month a "Makers' Market" is organized by Guba, where local and ecological products can be sold.

Also during the "Makers' Market" Guba offers a guided tour through its garden