What must, how should, how can an umbrella organization for the promotion of agroecology look like?
The Ezulwini Urban Garden Project - PELUM Agroecology Training and Demonstration Centre
PELUM and this project promotes agroecological knowledge and practices contributing to a climate adapted and sustainable use of land and production of food. Another key point is strengthening coordinated action among NGOs in the field of agriculture and environment in order to influence national policies and the nation-wide spreading of agroecological systems. During the last two projects Agroecology in the middle of the capital Mbabane and Advocating for agroecology - now more than ever! the focus laid on developping a PELUM agroecology training and demonstration centre besides offering trainings and exchange visits to the PELUM member organisations. Despite the delay in establishing the garden site due to the relocation to Ezulwini (see Advocating for agroecology - now more than ever!) the garden has again reached a promising development stage. Particularly the close collaboration with the local Municipality has shown fruitful results.
This project phase strives for the following main objectives:
1. The garden site is fully established, officially launched, opened to the public and used for training, awareness raising and networking events.
2. MOs are capacitated in agroecological fields and particularly in seed production, storage and exchange.
3. PELUM's role and responsibility towards its member organisations is clear and aligned with the duties of a roof organisation and the strategies of its member organisations.
Project site
Ezulwini (Map)
Women: direct 348, indirect 750
Men: direct 348, indirect 750
Children under age 16: direct 300, indirect 500
Project costs and assistance by sahee
The entire project costs are CHF 132’000.–, whereas sahee takes over CHF 57’000.–.
Duration of assistance
1st of April 2024 to 31st of March 2026
Local counterpart
PELUM Eswatini
Project site
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Project overview

The garden serves to illustrate agroecological cultivation methods.

The infrastructure on the garden site is slowly taking shape...

An umbrella organization like PELUM only makes sense if it acts in the interests of its member organizations. That is why sahee also supports exchange platforms to develop a joint strategy.